Working with connected vehicle data

When building a navigation-based application for Electric Vehicles, you will want to connect your application with real-time vehicle data to read out the State of Charge and other variables. Luckily, almost all EVs on the road today have a modem that can send out vehicle data for use in external applications. Unfortunately, there are many different standards and many different ways of exposing that data. This can feel a little daunting at first, but we have several tools available that make connecting vehicles to your application secure and easy.

How to access connected vehicle data

The best way to get telemetry data from the vehicle depends on your use case. You probably have an existing telematics solution if you are a fleet operator. If you are a vehicle manufacturer, you have an onboard modem that sends vehicle data over ethernet, and maybe you've already built an API to expose that data. If you are an app developer for a CPO or eMSP or other, you can source vehicle data using a connected vehicle data platform.

Using a hardware dongle

Fleets have traditionally used Bluetooth hardware dongles to harvest and transmit vehicle data. These are manually installed and have a relatively high upfront cost but low recurring costs. As a result, they are loved by logistic fleet operators, and Chargetrip is proud to partner with GeoTab to support their premier EV data dongle, Go 9, globally.

Using a connected vehicle data platform

Connected vehicle data platforms are cloud solutions that connect to the APIs of vehicle manufacturers and expose that data to third parties. They also take care of vehicle owner consent and streamline the data format. The supported brands and pricing differ significantly between connected vehicle data platforms.

Chargetrip is data vendor agnostics and works with leading connected vehicle and telemetry data providers like;

If you use a different telemetry data provider, please contact to learn more about our custom data integration flow.

Using your own API or a brand specific API

If you are a vehicle manufacturer or only want to support a specific vehicle brand, Chargetrip Connect can provide dedicated support. Contact to learn more.

Chargetrip Connect

Connects your application to live, vehicle-specific data items from a single trusted source across many vendors. Chargetrip has built an abstraction layer to ingest, sanitize, and prepare connected vehicle data in our routing engine. In addition, Chargetrip Connect provides a landing page for your users to authenticate and give consent that is fully brandable and vendor agnostic.

Chargetrip Connect works out of the box with your current connected vehicle data vendor, telemetry API or connected vehicle OBDII dongle.

Get started today with a premium connected vehicle data solution

Chargetrip Connect is pre-integrated with Enode to provide access to over 130 EV models globally at a great price point. This makes it possible to easily build connected vehicle experiences.

Image illustrating connectivity providers that work with Chargetrip

Contact to learn more about our how to access Chargetrip Connect with your own connected vehicle data supplier or how to purchase out connected vehicle data solution.