The JSON API service provides access to geographic data related to stations, organized in a tile-based format. For each requested tile, the API returns a GeoJSON-like response. However, there is a notable difference: coordinates are returned in [latitude, longitude] format rather than the standard [longitude, latitude] format used in traditional GeoJSON. Each feature in this layer represents either an individual station or a cluster of stations, depending on the zoom level and the density of stations in the area.

Base URL


Additional filters are required to display stations, refer to the filters section for more details.

To access the station data in MVT format, send a request to the following endpoint:

URL Parameters

  • {z}: Zoom level (integer) – Determines the scale of the map and the detail of the data returned.
  • {x}: Tile column (integer) – Identifies the X coordinate of the tile in the grid.
  • {y}: Tile row (integer) – Identifies the Y coordinate of the tile in the grid.

Most map providers have built-in methods to convert latitude and longitude to pixel coordinates. To manually convert latitude and longitude coordinates to x and y use the Web Mercator Projection.


All features returned by the MVT API have the following properties:


Use the count property to differentiate between stations and clusters. The count is 1 for a station and more than 1 for a cluster.


Use the stationProperties and clusterProperties query parameters to select what the API should return and optimize response times and size. All properties are returned otherwise. For more details check this section.

idstringThe identifier of the station. For clusters, this property represents the first station within the cluster.
countnumberThe count of stations within a cluster. This property can also be used to distinguish between individual stations and clusters. If the count is 1 it indicates a station.
speedenumThe power of a station or cluster: slow, fast or turbo. Slow stations are below 43 kWh, fast are between 43 kWh (inclusive) and 150 kWh and turbo are equal or above 150 kWh. For clusters, this property represents the first station within the cluster.
statusenumThe availability status of a station or cluster: free, busy, unknown, or error. For clusters, this property represents the first station within the cluster.
expansion_zoomnumberThe zoom level at which a cluster splits into multiple smaller clusters or stations.
operator_idstring, nullThe operator identifier of the operator of the station. The property will be null if the operator's data is not available for the station. For clusters, this property represents the first station within the cluster.
preferred_operatorbooleanThis flag indicates if the operator of a station is marked as a preferred operator. Preferred operators can be managed on project level in the Dashboard. For clusters, this property represents the first station within the cluster.
expansionZoomnumberDeprecated in favor of expansion_zoom.
preferredOperatorbooleanDeprecated in favor of preferred_operator.