Query station tariff details

The tariff query will provide you with the costs to use a specific charging station. It will include the charging costs and optional setup fee.

  1. We advise all customers using the Eco-movement database to switch to the new prices module.
  2. The station tariff data is currently not available on our playground. Create an account or contact sales to get access to the data.


The tariff query requires a tariff id to work. This tariff id can be found inside the attributes of a station.


id ID


The tariff ID

Frequently used fields

currency String

ISO-4217 code of the currency of this tariff. This property is OCPI-compliant.

min_price OCPIPrice

When this field is set, a charging session with this tariff will cost at least the amount shown. This is different from a FLAT fee (start tariff, transaction fee), as a FLAT fee is a fixed amount that must be paid for any charging session. A minimum price indicates that when the cost of a charging session is lower than this amount, the cost of the session will be equal to this amount. This property is OCPI-compliant.

max_price OCPIPrice

When this field is set, a charging session with this tariff will NOT cost more than this amount. This property is OCPI-compliant.

elements OCPITariffElement

List of tariff elements. This property is OCPI-compliant.

Other fields

country_code String

ISO-3166 alpha-2 country code of the CPO that owns this tariff. This property is OCPI-compliant.

party_id String

CPO ID of the CPO that owns this tariff (following the ISO-15118 standard). This property is OCPI-compliant.

id String

Uniquely identifies the tariff within the CPO’s platform (and suboperator platforms). This property is OCPI-compliant.

type OCPITariffType

Defines the type of the tariff. This allows for distinction in case of given charging preferences. When omitted, this tariff is valid for all sessions. This property is OCPI-compliant.

Show OCPITariffType enum values

tariff_alt_text OCPIDisplayText

List of alternative tariff information texts, in multiple languages. This property is OCPI-compliant.

tariff_alt_url String

URL to a web page that contains an explanation of the tariff information in human readable form. This property is OCPI-compliant.

start_date_time DateTime

Time when this tariff becomes active, in UTC, time_zone field of the Location can be used to convert to local time. Typically used for a new tariff that is already given with the location, before it becomes active. This property is OCPI-compliant.

end_date_time DateTime

Time after which this tariff is no longer valid, in UTC, time_zone field if the location can be used to convert to local time. Typically used when this tariff is going to be replaced with a different tariff in the near future. This property is OCPI-compliant.

energy_mix OCPIEnergyMix

Details about the energy supplied with this tariff. This property is OCPI-compliant.

last_updated DateTime

Timestamp when this tariff was last updated (or created). This property is OCPI-compliant.


A response can either contain a data or an errors object. The response header will always return 200 as a status code.

Data object

When successful, a data object will be returned with the requested fields. If there are no fields present the data object will return the operation name with the appropriate return type. If the operation was a query, this output will be an object of the schema’s query root type; if the operation was a mutation, this output will be an object of the schema’s mutation root type.

Error object

If unsuccessful, an errors object will be returned with more details in the extensions object. The error object can contain any of the following objects.