Query station operators

Charge stations are often exploited by various operators. To get an overview of the operators in your station database you can use the operatorList query. All operator details are available for you to query. Keeping the number of attributes as low as possible will improve performance.


The entire list of operators can be accessed using the operatorList query, along with the attributes you would like to receive. Optionally you can use pagination and filters to improve your results.


To filter your operator list you can use the filter argument. You can then use countries, ranking and excluded to specify how you want to filter the list.

To search for an operator you can use the search argument.


query OperatorListQuery


Deprecated: Replaced by filter & search params.

filter OperatorListFilter

Filter operators by parameters.

size Int

Number of elements (count) to return.

Default • 10

page Int

Page number to return.

Default • 0

Frequently used fields

id ID

Unique operator ID.

name String

Name of an operator. This property is OCPI-compliant.

website String

Link to an operator’s website. This property is OCPI-compliant.

Other fields

external_id String

External ID of an operator provided by the operator data source.

country String


ISO-3166 alpha-2 country code an operator is active in.

countries CountryCodeAlpha2

ISO-3166 alpha-2 country codes an operator is active in.

Show CountryCodeAlpha2 enum values

contact Contact

Contact information.

ranking Int

Ranking level on which the operator is placed or null in case the operator is not on any ranking level.

excluded Boolean

Flag which indicates if the operator is in the excluded list.


A response can either contain a data or an errors object. The response header will always return 200 as a status code.

Data object

When successful, a data object will be returned with the requested fields. If there are no fields present the data object will return the operation name with the appropriate return type. If the operation was a query, this output will be an object of the schema’s query root type; if the operation was a mutation, this output will be an object of the schema’s mutation root type.

Error object

If unsuccessful, an errors object will be returned with more details in the extensions object. The error object can contain any of the following objects.