Query station details

Specific station details can be useful when you want to display the type of chargers, the number of chargers, the location or any other detail that is currently available.

Query station details

Show all the information of a single charge station from availability to operator details.

Query station details


To get specific details of a station you need to provide a stationId. This id can be obtained by using the tile service.


To render pricing when using the Eco-Movement station database, you can use pricing to fetch a list of prices on the connector level. The pricing field is available on evse.connectors. The pricing list includes CPO and MSP prices. The "adhoc price" is the CPO price.

When using any other station database, use the tariff query and tariff details query.


id ID

ID of a station.

evse_id String

ID of a EVSE.

Frequently used fields

id ID

Unique ID of a station. This property is OCPI-compliant.

name String

Name of a charging station. This property is OCPI-compliant.

address String

Street/block name and house number if available. This property is OCPI-compliant.

coordinates OCPIGeoLocation

Coordinates of a location. This property is OCPI-compliant.

evses EVSE

EVSEs that belong to a station. This property is OCPI-compliant.

operator Operator

Information about an operator. This property is OCPI-compliant.

amenities JSON

Amenities located at this location.

Other fields

country_code String

ISO-3166 alpha-2 country code of a station. This property is OCPI-compliant.

party_id String

CPO ID of a CPO that 'owns' this station (following the ISO-15118 standard). This property is OCPI-compliant.

publish Boolean

Defines if a location may be published on a website or app etc. When this is set to false, only tokens identified in the field: publish_allowed_to are allowed to show this location. When the same location has EVSEs that may be published and may not be published, two 'locations' should be created. This property is OCPI-compliant.

city String

City or town. This property is OCPI-compliant.

postal_code String

Postal code of a location, may only be omitted when a location has no postal code: in some countries charging locations at highways don’t have postal codes. This property is OCPI-compliant.

state String

State or province of a location, only to be used when relevant. This property is OCPI-compliant.

country String

ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code for the country of this station. This property is OCPI-compliant.

parking_type OCPIParkingType

Type of parking at a charge point location. This property is OCPI-compliant.

Show OCPIParkingType enum values

directions OCPIDisplayText

Human-readable directions on how to reach a station. This property is OCPI-compliant.

suboperator Operator

Information about a suboperator if applicable. This property is OCPI-compliant.