Query route emissions

To receive data about the emissions of a planned route, use the routeEmissions query. It provides information on the embedded, operational and, end_of_life emissions. The data is available for the vehicle used on the route and an equivalent gasoline internal combustion engine vehicle.


A route_id is required to get routeEmissions data. Create a route_id by using the newRoute mutation as described here. Optionally, use the route_alternative_id to receive the emissions of an alternative route.

The routeEmissions query is currently released as a beta product and is experimental. Anything within the emissions query may change, break, or disappear at any time. As long as the feature is in beta, it is free of charge.


route_id ID


ID of the route for which we retrieve the emissions profile.

route_alternative_id ID

ID of the route alternative for which we retrieve the emissions profile. If not provided, we will retrieve the recommended alternative.

Frequently used fields

route_vehicle RouteVehicleEmissions

Emissions profile for the vehicle used in route.

Other fields

route_id ID

ID of the route for which we retrieve the emissions profile.

route_alternative_id ID

ID of the route alternative for which we retrieve the emissions profile.

internal_combustion_vehicle RouteInternalCombustionVehicleEmissions

Emissions profile for an equivalent internal combustion engine vehicle.

Show arguments


A response can either contain a data or an errors object. The response header will always return 200 as a status code.

Data object

When successful, a data object will be returned with the requested fields. If there are no fields present the data object will return the operation name with the appropriate return type. If the operation was a query, this output will be an object of the schema’s query root type; if the operation was a mutation, this output will be an object of the schema’s mutation root type.

Error object

If unsuccessful, an errors object will be returned with more details in the extensions object. The error object can contain any of the following objects.