Query route details

After receiving a route ID through the route mutation, the route details can be queried. These route details will contain everything from a polyline to charge stations, ideal for plotting a route on a map or providing turn-by-turn instructions.

Render route and route data

Plot a route on a map and render the route detail data.

Render route and route data


To query the route details a route ID needs to be sent. Be sure to include the status in your response and check it. If your route hasn't completed processing yet, then your route details will not be available. To prevent this from happening you can use the subscription service.

If you also supported additional route options in the route mutation you will now be able to collect the details. Below you can find instructions on how to do that.


id ID


ID of a route.

Frequently used fields

status RouteStatus

Status of a route.

Show RouteStatus enum values

Other fields

id ID

ID of a route calculation.

meta RouteMetadata

Meta data for a route.

request_input CreateRoute

Route request.